Office: Γ.203α
Lab: Β.201
Phone: +30210772 3091
Fax: +30210772 3188
- Electrodeposition of metals
- Composite metal matrix electrodeposition
- Electroless metallic coatings
- Study of the structure and the properties of metallic coatings
- Study of the properties of non-metallic coatings
- Chemist
- Doctor in Chemistry
Current Research Interests
Preparation of metallic electrocoatings and study of their properties (e.g. X-Ray diffraction, SEM, TEM, image analysis, microhardness, roughness, wear resistance, corrosion tests, electrical properties).
Pulse Plating application in the electrolytic preparation of metal coatings and metal matrix composite coatings.
Preparation and study of the properties of metal matrix composite electrocoatings (e.g. Cu/SiO2, Ni/SiC, Ni/microcapsules containing oil or water).
Preparation of electroless metallic coatings and study of their properties. Applications Study of the properties of non-metallic (paints, varnishes, plastics) coatings (color, viscosity, hardness/adhesion, cupping tests, impact tests, abrasion, thickness, corrosion tests,
Selected Publications - Presentations:
- C. Kollia, N. Spyrellis, J. Amblard, M. Froment and G. Maurin: "Nickel plating by pulse electrolysis: textural and microstructural modifications due to the adsorption/desorption phenomena", J. Appl. Electrochem., 20 (1990) 1025.
- C. Kollia and N. Spyrellis: "Textural modifications in Nickel electrodeposition under Pulse Reversed Current", Surface and Coatings Technology, 57 (1993) 71.
- C. Kollia and N. Spyrellis: "Microhardness and roughness in nickel electrodeposition under Pulse Reversed Current conditions", Surface and Coatings Technology, 58 (2) (1993) 101.
- A. Kentepozidou, C. Kiparissides, F. Kotzia, C. Kollia and N. Spyrellis: "Nickel/microcapsules composite electrocoatings. Synthesis of water-containing microcapsules and preparation of the coatings", J. Materials Science, 31 (1996) 1175.
- J. Macheras, D. Vouros, C. Kollia and N. Spyrellis: "Nickel Electrocrystallization: Influence of unsaturated organic additives on the mechanism of the oriented crystal growth", Trans. Inst. Met. Finish., 74(2) (1996) 55.
- C.T. Dervos, C. Kollia, S. Psarrou and P. Vassiliou: Nickel Matrix Composite Electrocoatings as Electrical Contacts, IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technology, 22 No 3 (September 1999) 460.
- Σ. Ψαρρού, Π. Γύφτου, Κ. Κόλλια και Ν. Σπυρέλλης: Σύνθετες ηλεκτρολυτικές επικαλύψεις μήτρας νικελίου με μικροσωματίδια SiC, Πρακτικά 2ου Πανελληνίου Επιστημονικού Συνεδρίου Χημικής Μηχανικής, Θεσ/κη (27-29 Μαίου 1999) 273.
- K.Θ. Δέρβος, J. Navakovich, Π. Βασιλείου και Κ. Κόλλια: "Μη ηλεκτρολυτικές επικαλύψεις Νικελίου ως ηλεκτρικές επαφές", Πρακτικά 1ου Πανελληνίου Συνεδρίου Μεταλλικών Υλικών, Βόλος (Νοέμβριος 2001)
- S. Psarrou, P. Gyftou, C. Kollia and N. Spyrellis: "Nickel/SiC composite electrocoatings", Proc. of 2nd Panhellenic Scientific Conference of Chemical Engineering, Thessaloniki (May 1999) 273.
- C.T. Dervos, J. Navakovich, P. Vassiliou, C. Kollia: Electroless Nickel coatings as electrical contacts, Proc. of 1st Panhellenic Conference of Metallic Materials, Volos (November 2001).